Official Government Website

Water Measurement


Originally created to support the measurement of groundwater on the Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer (ESPA), the Water Measurement program now functions statewide to establish, maintain, and implement state water measurement and reporting standards. IDWR works directly with water districts and water measurement districts to implement measurement requirements and programs within the state. Examples of these efforts include:
  • Closed conduit and open channel measurement methods.
  • Diversion and control works for surface water and groundwater diversions.
  • Automation, data logging, and telemetry of water diversion and measurement systems.
  • Development and maintenance of reporting systems for water diversion measurements.


Use the following guidelines and procedures to collect water measurement data and report that information to IDWR. Using these procedures provides a uniform measuring and reporting method within the State of Idaho, including within water districts. The information below also assists in measuring and reporting diversions pursuant to various water measurement orders issued by IDWR.
ver: 3.5.2a | last updated:
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