The Idaho Water Resource Board’s Water Project Loan Program assists in the development of the state’s water resources through the construction of water projects. Projects eligible for financing include new construction or rehabilitation of existing water projects.
For a complete list of eligibility requirements, program guidelines, loan documents, and staff contact information please visit our Water Project Loans page
Water Project Grants
The Idaho legislature appropriated funds to the Idaho Water Resource Board to be used for expenditures, loans, or grants for water projects, including studies, to address water sustainability, rehabilitate or improve aging water infrastructure or support flood management.
For further information on each program and its eligibility requirements please visit:
The IWRB will support the implementation of water sustainability projects, including studies (collectively projects), that provide benefits on a regional, basin-wide, or statewide scale
For further information on the program and its eligibility requirements please visit:
For information on previous rounds of grant funding and loan statistics please visit our Financial Programs Statistics page
For Information on Grant & Loan projects please visit our ESRI maps below:
Financial Programs Resources
For more information on other State and Federal agency funding partners and the available programs: