Lemhi River Basin Settlement Agreement Steering Committee
The Parties to the Agreement agreed to establish a Steering Committee to oversee implementation of the Agreement. The Steering Committee shall consist of two (2) representatives of the Lemhi Irrigation District, two (2) representatives of the Upper Lemhi Basin Water Users, one (1) representative of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, one (1) representative of the Governor’s Office of Species Conservation, and one (1) representative of the IWRB. The Basin 74 water master or an IDWR employee shall serve as an ex officio member of the Steering Committee. Water user representatives shall be parties to this Agreement. The Steering Committee shall operate on a consensus basis.

Steering Committee Charter and Membership
Water users that are a party to the Lemhi River Basin Settlement Agreement and met the following requirements were eligible to serve on the Lemhi Settlement Steering Committee. The Idaho Water Resource Board approved the Steering Committee Charter and membership at the March 31, 2023 meeting.
Upcoming meetings:
Lemhi Settlement Steering Committee Meeting
Date: TBD
Location: IDWR Salmon Field Office
Time: TBD
Lemhi River at McFarland Minimum Stream Flow
Status of Current Year
2024 Irrigation Season
- The Idaho Water Resource Board will not formally exercise the Lemhi River at McFarland Minimum Stream Flow in 2024. For more information regarding this decision, please review IWRB Resolution No. 01-2024 adopted on January 19, 2024.
- IWRB Resolution No. 01-2024