Program Budget: Funding for the Cloud Seeding Program is authorized under the Idaho Water Resource Boards (IWRB) Secondary Aquifer Planning and Management Fund (Secondary Fund). The Cloud Seeding Committee reviews the program budget and provides a funding recommendation to the IWRB; program funding is then approved as a part of the IWRB’s Fiscal Year (FY) budget resolution for the Secondary Fund.
Partnership Agreements: Since 2014, the IWRB has participated in a collaborative cloud seeding program (Collaborative Program) with Idaho Power Company (IPC), and water users in the Boise River, Wood River, and Upper Snake River Basins. IPC conducts program operations, and the IWRB and local water users provide funding support.
North American Weather Modification Council: The North American Weather Modification Council (NAWMC) is an embodiment of state and local public resource managers that participate in cloud seeding activities in North America. The IWRB is currently a Full Member of the council, represented by its staff. The NAWMC serves as a forum for the exchange of information on weather modification related topics, for purposes of promoting the best available related science, and the safe and effective use of weather modification technologies.
Statutory Authority Timeline

Idaho House Bill 266 (HB266, 2021)
Directed the IWRB to:
- Continue analysis of existing cloud seeding projects
- Complete an assessment of opportunities for cloud seeding in other basins
- Authorize cloud seeding programs in Idaho
Provides the IWRB authority to:
- Sponsor or develop local or statewide cloud seeding programs
- State funds may only be used in basins where the IWRB finds that existing water supplies are insufficient to support existing water rights, water quality, recreation, or fish and wildlife
Establishes that:
- Water supply that results from cloud seeding shall be distributed in accordance with the prior appropriation doctrine
§42-4301 designates the IWRB as the agency responsible for authorizing cloud seeding projects in Idaho. In May 2022, the IWRB adopted criteria for the authorization of cloud seeding programs in Idaho. The criteria are intended to ensure adherence to any state or federal laws that may be applicable to cloud seeding operations and to thoroughly document all cloud seeding activities occurring within the state. Information required for requesting authorization from the IWRB is outlined in the approved criteria.
Current IWRB Authorizations:
- Idaho Collaborative Cloud Seeding Program
- Collaborative partnership managed by the IWRB
- Operated by IPC
- Funding supported by IWRB, IPC, and local basin stakeholders
- Idaho Power Company | Payette River Basin
- Operated and managed by IPC
- Remote ground generators
- Aircraft | Operated by Weather Modification International
- Idaho Power Company Authorization
- High Country Resource Conservation & Development (HCRCD) | Upper Snake River Basin
- Operated by Let it Snow, Inc
- Manual ground generators
- High Country Resource Conservation & Development Authorization
- State of Utah | Box Elder and Cache County
- Operated by North American Weather Consultants
- Manual ground generators
- State of Utah Authorization