The Hydro TWG is comprised of local/federal/tribal government, the private sector, plus other interested groups and organizations concerned with hydrography in Idaho. The Hydro TWG provides a mechanism for edit review, conflict resolution, and development of standards for Idaho’s contributions to the NHD & WBD. Through the Hydro TWG, the Idaho NHD/WBD State Steward coordinates local and national data as well as other interests.
The Hydro TWG usually meets annually and discusses all things Hydrography including Idaho Hydrography Standards, ongoing hydrography projects in and out of Idaho, as well as NHD & WBD topics. Everyone with an interest in Hydrography is encouraged to attend.
For more information on the Hydrography TWG including meeting information, please visit the IGO Hydrography TWG Page.
Interested in Presenting?
In addition to updates on hydrography news from the Idaho data stewards, we would like this meeting to focus on YOU and how YOUR agency uses hydrography—from applications to specific projects—current and future. We want to hear from you. If you would be interested in presenting (either in person or via teleconference), please send a brief summary along with a time approximation for your presentation. Send an email to the Hydro TWG chair if you have a project to share.