The Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR) is hosting this webpage as a courtesy to the Conservation, Infrastructure, and Efficiency Fund (CIEF) pending the creation of its own website. IDWR does not operate or manage the CIEF. The CIEF’s decisions are solely its own and may not reflect IDWR’s views, opinions, or practices.
In 2022, IDWR approved the Big Wood River Ground Water Management Area Management Plan (Plan). Among the Plan’s approved management actions is the funding and operation of the CIEF. See Section V.1.C of the Plan.
CIEF funds are used primarily for infrastructure improvements and other permanent measures that improve the efficiency of delivering senior water rights, protect ground water levels, or increase surface water flows, and for purchasing of storage water.
Individuals, entities, or organizations, including but not limited to the following, may apply for CIEF funding:
Irrigation Districts, Irrigation Boards of Control, Canal Companies, Drainage Districts, Groundwater Districts, Ditch Companies, Lateral Ditch Users Associations, Reservoir Districts, Municipal Irrigation Districts (formed per Title 42, chapter 18, Idaho Code), Municipalities, Counties, Water Districts, or any private or commercial user of consumptive water rights, including non-profit entities and conservation districts.
To be eligible for CIEF funding, projects must be located in the Big Wood River Basin within Water Districts 37 & 37B.
To see the application form, process, and award criteria, click on the links below.
Larry Schoen, CIEF Chairman – lschoen@naramail.net
Carl Pendleton, CIEF Treasurer – pendletonranch@hotmail.com
Grant Application Process
Annual Report
CIEF Committee Members
Chairman – Larry Schoen (Surface water users above Magic)
Vice Chairman – Lou Anderson (Camas groundwater users)
Treasurer – Carl Pendleton (BWCC)
Secretary – Keri York (Conservation NGOs)
Cooper Brossy (BLWWUA)
Nick Westendorf (BLWWUA)
Pat Purdy (SVGWD)
Chris Johnson (Municipalities)
Corey Allen (Sun Valley Co)
Ex-officio non-voting – Brian Olmstead (IWRB)