Official Government Website

Idaho Water Resource Board Committee Assignments


The IWRB established several standing committees to consider actions related to IWRB programs and associated issues. Each committee provides recommendations to the IWRB when it is considering activities and actions. The Chairman of the Board appoints committee members and, with Board support, refers issues to the germane committee. New committees may be established as issues arise. Final actions are only taken by the full Board.

Aquifer StabilizationDevelops policy and direction to determine Board support and participation in aquifer stabilization activities in the ESPA, Big Wood, Treasure Valley and other areas. Reviews project proposals and monitors program effectiveness.Dean Stevenson, Chair

Al Barker

Brian Olmstead

Pat McMahon
Cloud SeedingDevelops policy and direction to determine Board Support and participation in clouding seeding projects statewide. Reviews project proposals and monitors program effectiveness.Marc Gibbs, Chair

Jeff Raybould

Al Barker

Pat McMahon
Financial ProgramsDevelops policy and direction for the IWRB's financial programs including loans, grants, revenue bonds, and project expenditures. Develops guidance for standard interest rates and terms for loans. Oversees revenue generating features of IWRB's programs. Recommends loan approvals to full Board.Jo Ann Cole-Hansen, Chair

Jeff Raybould

Dean Stevenson

Dale Van Stone

Marc Gibbs
Streamflow Enhancement and Minimum StreamflowDevelops policy and direction for the Upper Salmon Streamflow Enhancement (Water Transactions) Program together with program partners, including review of project proposals. Develops policy and direction for the IWRB's minimum streamflow program, including development of new MSF water rights and protection and administration of existing MSF water rights.Pat McMahon, Chair

Dean Stevenson

Dale Van Stone

Brian Olmstead
Upper Snake River AdvisoryA committee chaired by a Water Board member to discuss Upper Snake Basin reservoir, river, and recharge operations with relevant parties that make up the committee.Brian Olmstead, ChairActive
Water Resource PlanningDevelops policy and direction for the IWRB's planning programs, including State Water Plan, Basin Plans, and CAMPs. Oversees progress and completion of State Water Plan, Basin Plans, and CAMPs. Oversees plan implementation progress. Makes recommendations about new planning efforts and approaches.Al Barker, Chair

Jeff Raybould

Marc Gibbs

Dean Stevenson

Jo Ann Cole-Hansen
Water Storage ProjectsDevelops policy and direction for Idaho's efforts to increase water storage capacity, including surface storage and underground storage. Oversees studies of potential storage projects, and considers future steps for potential storage projects. Oversees IWRB's operational managed recharge program on ESPA, and investigations of managed recharge in Treasure Valley and other areas.Brian Olmstead, Chair

Jeff Raybould

Jo Ann Cole-Hansen

Al Barker

Marc Gibbs
Water Supply BankDevelops policy and direction for the Water Bank through oversight of the Board's bank and rental pools. Coordinates with IWRB-appointed local committees. Reviews proposed changes to Water Supply Bank statutes, rules and rental pool procedures. Makes recommendations about the establishment of new rental pools.Al Barker, Chair

Marc Gibbs

Brian Olmstead

Dale Van Stone
Water Supply Management CommitteeDevelops policy and direction for water management issues.Jeff Raybould, Chair

Dean Stevenson

Brian Olmstead
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